Keeping yourself, your business and your customers safe online
Access to the internet is a business imperative to connect to customers, transact business and network across geographies and industries. Likewise, a concern for individuals and companies operating online is keeping sensitive data and information secure from cybercriminals and hackers.

Supporting customers with security
The day to day impact of cybercrime has become a fact of life and a permanent reality for businesses. So, it's important for small businesses to take precautions to keep data safe from hackers. Just as a hospital is charged with protecting patient security, businesses operating online need to take measures to ensure customer data is safe.
Advice for staying safe online
Here are some simple, easy-to-implement tips for better protection:
Always use strong, unique passwords for each site or service you log in to, and never share passwords. Having a unique password helps prevent a compromise of one login becoming a compromise of many. Password-safe software can help you manage your multiple logins.
Use two-factor or multi-factor authentication (2FA/MFA) wherever this is available. This is particularly important for your email account, which is usually the means to reset your passwords for other sites.
Update anti-malware (anti-virus, anti-spyware) software. It is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to protect yourself.
Keep all of your software up to date with security patches.
Make sure your data is backed up regularly, and backup copies are kept separate to the source systems.
Keeping your business and customer data safe online is vital for small businesses. Be rigorous in your security practices and ensure your staff know the drill. Get in touch with us.